Yaris iA Videos - A whole lot of ‘em

Seems like an easy project: make some videos for the Toyota Yaris iA. But sometimes easy becomes hard. Case in point: these videos for the launch of the Toyota Yaris iA. One shoot. Two executions. Maybe 12-ish videos total. I lost count.

Up first: the Toyota.com treatment. We played on the fact that emojis had become the new shorthand for expressing emotions of joy one feels when behind the wheel of Yaris iA. We did our best to keep it from becoming too “fellow kids,” but you know, clients are gonna client. Personally, I'm just pumped we were allowed to cast real skaters. 

Next up: the YouTube treatment. We created a "choose your own adventure" style series of videos - all inspired by video games. The concept: each one of Yaris iA's standard features is like a video game power up, so let’s show them as such.

AD: Janete Chun
Director: Jake Banks
Production: Golden